Maintain a life change that is more supportive. Be focused on learning to love yourself and appreciate what you have and can do in the present and not looking at what you don’t.
Annina schmitz
Your trainer
My own personal health journey showed me that listening to my body and mind and not finding all the excuses in the world to get out of my comfort zone and just start somewhere is the first step to growth. Like with everything in life , the start is the hardest part but you have to start…
What’s your goal?
Body composition?
Improving your cardio?
Increasing your muscle strength?
Increasing your muscle endurance?
Increasing flexibility?
Building muscle, loosing body fat?
Staying fit?
Become accountable?
Want to actually love moving your body?
Have a laugh and a giggle, oh and a dance off as well?
Get some delicious, healthy cooking tips?
The moment you feel great,
you look great